All aboard! Social Media Train Gearing up to Awesomize your Business in 2011

As more and more studies on social media are released, the more I am getting excited about our new venture, that we launched last month from the heart of the Awesome Washington, D.C. 🙂

The recent study by eMarketer’s predicts that 80% of the businesses will adopt social media for their marketing purposes in 2011. The global surveys indicates that over 30 percent of those businesses don’t even have a social media policy. The report also says marketers that have spent the past few years ramping up their internal social media marketing infrastructure—and their presence on sites such as Facebook and Twitter —will take social media to new heights in 2011. Right on! Read more of this post

Businesses Will Be Flocking to Social Media in 2011

and the Washingtonian startup, will be there to greet them 🙂

It was exactly a month ago today that we launched the beta version of our new venture, that targets both consumers and enterprises.  I’ve believed in our business model on day first, the latest study by the IT research firm, IDC, is giving me even more confidence about the concept. With the explosion of social media phenomena, one of the‘s mission is to assist business owners to select the right social media channels for their operation as well as connecting them to the right strategic partners and clients.

The new study titled “Top 10 Predictions 2011” shows that businesses will increasingly turn to social networking tools in 2011. It also noted that many small and medium-sized businesses will turn to social networks such as Facebook to establish a free online presence that improves their ability to acquire, engage, and retain customers without the hassle and cost of setting up a traditional Web site. Read more of this post

Happy 1st Birthday Awesome DC!

I am very excited to remind you all that it was exactly a year ago today I launched Awesome DC. Unfortunately, I am currently not in DC to throw a big party, but I intend to do so upon my return from the EU on December 13th 🙂

Why did I  launch Awesome DC?

Simple!  as I made it clear in about us section of the site, to position our Nation’s capital as the technology hub as well as city of parties, hot events, and clubbing. In a nut shell to show the world Washington, DC is much more than just politics, corruption, and scandals. Have I achieved that? not quite yet 😦 With your continuous support, I strongly believe it will get there within the next 5 to 10 years  🙂 We have been covering everything happening in DC, but politic and religion 🙂
Read more of this post

The Rise of the Fallen Part I: The Launch of Awesome Companies of the Day

We are excited to announce the launch of our first enterprise feature called Awesome Companies of the Day targeting local businesses all over the world. The free service allows any business owner from anywhere in the world  to create a page for their companies with links back to their website as well as all their social media channels pages including Facebook fanpage.

The service is not even seven hours old, there are already over 80 global companies utilizing it 🙂

How is Awesome Companies of the Day feature different than the current fan pages the companies have on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media Channels today? Read more of this post in 61 countries including Espania in less than a month

Since the beta launch of earlier this month, here is the complete list of the latest  traffic and members from 61 nations on within the last 12 hours, according to Google Analytic. The members include 58 global companies 🙂

My goal is to invade at least 100 countries by December 13th when I finish my European and Middle Eastern tour and head back to Awesome Washington, D.C.

The greener color above represents the most incoming traffic and members. Read more of this post Invades Mother Russia

Countries visited past 12 hours - source: Google Analytic

It was just yesterday, I did a blog post about our invasion of 26 countries since our beta launch earlier this month. According to Google Analytic, we invaded a few more countries past 24 hours including mother Russia 🙂 Although, Google claims we have users from 42 countries, I can only spot 31 countries with green color. Read more of this post

The Washington, DC based startup, invades 26 countries in two weeks

Countries visited past 12 hours - source: Google Analytic

Just about two weeks after the beta launch of the Washington, DC based startup,,  the company has attracted visitors from 26 countries including its motherland US of A of course. To be more specific, Washington, DC 🙂 Although, Google says the site has visitors from 33 countries, but I could count only 26.

Here is the list of countries visited the site by most traffic within the last 12 hours (source: Google Analytic). I am surprised Spain isn’t in the list. I’ve been in Barcelona for a bout three days now visiting a few times a day. Perhaps, it’s because I am the only visitors from Spain 😦 Read more of this post Distinguish Your Qualitative vs. Quantitative Fans & Friends Online

Have you ever been curious about the quality of your fans and followers on social networking sites? Out of thousands of your online friends , how many of them really care about you? Or, how do you know the new person you are just about to connect with on Facebook, Twitter, myspace, or  LinkedIn, ain’t ganna spam the crap out of you? Since, the explosion of the social media in 2005/2006, questions like these have been on the rise and guess what? it’s even going to get worse. was launched today with the mission to put an end to such fog of concerns.

The site isn’t  another social networking site. There are already too many of those. is a new and powerful social interaction engine that will help you to determine intelligently and effectively who you need to be connected with and through which social media channels. Read more of this post

Marketing Your Business with Zero Budget

Having launched and operated a few start-ups since 1999 and now Awesome DC, here are a few tips I’d like to share with you on how to promote your business with ZERO budget. Read more of this post

Stop Voogling and Ditch AT&T – You will live

Now that AT&T has also decided to join Google and Verizon with their controversial proposal to kill the net-neutrality, it is time to put a leash on these guys before it’s too late.

Those of you new to the subject, here are the recap: Read more of this post