Sponto Gearing up to Awesomize Colleges starting with the ones around Awesome DC

Sponto is a mobile party detection app for college students built by one of the coolest DC entrepreneur, Jamey Harvey who I know since Web 1.0 era. Up until last week Sponto was only available to students at the University of Maryland where it’s been burning up the campus.

I wish they were around when I was going to college, because essentially what it does is tell you where all the free food, booze and hot babes (hot dudes like me in your case ladies ;-)) are near you!

Their app has enabled The GWU (my Alma Mater) as well as American University, Georgetown, Howard, Catholic, UDC, Catholic, Trinity, Gallaudet and the Corcoran School of Art.  If you’re a student at one of these schools you can register for Sponto now and start sharing parties and events.

If you’re a student at another school and you’re in DC, you can register and he says they’ll turn on your school.  You need a .EDU email address to join and it works on Android, iPhone and the web.

Sponto is going to be going around to intern happy hours and showing the product to interns.  Building off their UMD  critical mass Sponto will start detecting big and small groups of students gathering in and around DC especially around free food, alcohol and attractive people.

Like I said, DC is getting awesomized for college students by Sponto.   I see this as part of a bigger trend.  How will you know who you want to party with in Sponto?

Check it out and let us know what you think.

Feel free to connect with me via awesomize.me

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About Elias Shams
I have been a serial entrepreneur in telecom and social media space for past 12 years or so. I hold a M.S. degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the George Washington University and a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland. I’ve lived and worked in many countries and cities including London England, Tehran Iran, Bonn Germany, Paris France, Alicante Spain, Delhi India, and my favorite of all Washington, DC of great US of A. Two of the greatest Washington, DC based companies I worked for and very proud of are Yurie Systems which was sold to Lucent in 1998 for $1.23 B and telezoo.com that I founded in 1999. I am currently the founder and awesomizer @ awesomize.me

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