Cosmo launches Awesome Shagging Position App

Those of you into kinky shagging, I have great News for you! Cosmopolitan Magazine just launched their sex position app for both Android and iPhone. Way to go  Cosmo ! I bet the app will be promoted in Austin Powers IV which I think to be released in 2013 – assuming we don’t have something better by then.

Basically, this is an app that shows sex positions in a cartoony way.

The app features: Read more of this post

What We Pay For Online

by Elias Shams
An interesting survey of 27,000 consumers across 52 cities and countries was recently released by Nielsen that shows the type of content we, the consumer, are willing to pay for online and the ones we aren’t. I wonder how many of them were from DC. The report shows 85% of respondents would like to see free Web content stay free. Contents like movies, music, and games are the types we are willing to pay for, but not for the blogs, podcasts, and video which is right along our tradition pre internet era. We have always been willing to pay for entertainment, but not for information.

This is actually the first time I see something close to comprehensive study around the actual market for e-commerce content. I just wish they had also included books, TV shows, gambling, football bets, and of course my favorite, the porn. 🙂  Last time I checked, we,  men have always been willing to pay for porn regardless how broke we are. Read more…