The First Business Intelligence Report Leveraging the Power of Rating and Community

In today’s environment, the easiest question to ask and sometimes the hardest to answer is “What’s the ROI?”  It is so commonplace that some people even use “ROI” as a metric in their personal lives! But I digress.  What I am really trying to tell you is that almost any good marketer or media person knows that you need analytics to measure the effectiveness of your strategies and tactics.  At a minimum, we all want to know who’s the coolest kid on the block or what is the new “it” thing.  So without further adieu, I give you  Awesome Analytics  – our first business intelligence report.

Our preview version of Awesome Analytics easily shows you the most awesome folks in 5 market segments –  people, company, product, service, and question categories searched and viewed on Below is our November’s Awesome Analytics. You can click on each link to see the top people, companies, products, services, and questions awesomzied (rated) by the community for each category. Read more of this post