One year after cancer ambushed me…Come with me if you want to live!

Hard to believe it was a few hours after this memorable video with my little monkey a year ago today when I was ambushed by cancer that took me near the death experience.  And, a few short days later, the doc just poured it on me…”Elias, the chance that the  chemo works is 50/50″. In deed, time flies fast.

Thanks to the secret organized crime industries: the pharmaceutical, the booze, the tobacco, and the fast food industries  aka “Mafia”,  as well as the advertising industry promoting these killers  since 1970’s, cancer cells have become so smart these days – smart enough that they can hit you with no warning sign. Read more of this post The First Business Intelligence Report Leveraging the Power of Rating and Community

In today’s environment, the easiest question to ask and sometimes the hardest to answer is “What’s the ROI?”  It is so commonplace that some people even use “ROI” as a metric in their personal lives! But I digress.  What I am really trying to tell you is that almost any good marketer or media person knows that you need analytics to measure the effectiveness of your strategies and tactics.  At a minimum, we all want to know who’s the coolest kid on the block or what is the new “it” thing.  So without further adieu, I give you  Awesome Analytics  – our first business intelligence report.

Our preview version of Awesome Analytics easily shows you the most awesome folks in 5 market segments –  people, company, product, service, and question categories searched and viewed on Below is our November’s Awesome Analytics. You can click on each link to see the top people, companies, products, services, and questions awesomzied (rated) by the community for each category. Read more of this post

The Ass Size: Washington,DC, Virginia, and Maryland VS. Alicante, Paris, and London

Literally, every chair in the cafes across the EU has a nice comfortable thin cushion to sit on. At least those in London,Paris, and Alicante where I regularly travel to.

I rarely see cushion on any chairs in our cafes in the Washington, DC area. They all come with flat hard wood or metal chairs. I have always been wondering about it till now as I’m watching everyone’s ASS in Starbucks, Dupont Circle waiting for my meeting: Read more of this post

Simple Rules To Keep Your Health Awesome!

The following are in addition to my earlier blog post titled “Alternative Ways to Avoid or Fight Cancer besides Chemo“. So, make sure to read that one too.
Read more of this post

To Live Better and Longer, try to be more Sociable

A recent research by journal PLoS Medicine shows people with adequate social relationships have a 50 percent greater likelihood of survival than people who have poor or insufficient relationships. That means that having good relationships is comparable to quitting smoking in terms of survival benefit, and is a stronger factor than obesity and physical activity.

And, NO! it does NOT mean having a social life on Facebook. I think it means  get off Facebook, go partying and clubbing over the weekend or whenever you can.  Well! I’ve been doing that since I finished school 🙂 Read more of this post

No More Chocolate Milk for Washington, D.C. Schools

Not sure this has anything to do with our first lady’s initiatives on Child obesity we have been covering it, but it is indeed an awesome move by the DC school.  Last week, local schools will no longer offer students sweetened/flavored milk, like chocolate and that “strawberry” concoction.

The expulsion of flavored milks is part of D.C.’s attempt to improve the nutritional quality of food offered at its public schools; which will also include the testing of low-sugar cereals and other more nutritious foods.

Students will now have to choose between 1% of skim milk.

Given how the Dairy producers pound the mile with sugar, so it’s a logical move to ban it from schools, especially since we live in a time of heightened concern about what kids eat. Read more of this post

Consumer Group Hails Historic New Patient’s Bill of Rights

The U.S. Public Interest Research Group (US PIRG) issued the following news release on Patient’s Bill of Rights.

Going through the new rules, they look like  a major advance for health insurance consumers. They will curb some of the worst insurance industry practices that are denying consumers the control they need over their own health care choices

The rules will apply the following protections to all new plans and many existing plans, effective September 23rd of this year:

– The right to coverage that covers your children, even if they have a pre-existing health condition. The right to coverage that cannot be dropped when an unexpected condition or accident makes your care expensive. Read more of this post

Awesome DC Gearing up for Advertising – FREE till mid or end of July

Our Dear Beloved Friends, Colleagues, Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors, and of course the Fans,

As most of you may already know, we  launched Awesome DC earlier this year. The intent is to position of our Nation’s Capital as one of the greatest cities in the world to live and play in. The major focus is on topics ranging from technology, social & online media, business & finance, health & environment and of course most importantly events & parties (especially since we have the most famous party crashers in the world too)! Essentially everything but politics.

Please feel free to read some of the stories under our categories and subcategories from the homepage. Initially most of the articles were written by me, but I am glad to announce that I now have three other contributors, and we post about three to seven articles a day. You are most welcome to submit articles for inclusion on the site if you would like, as I am always looking for contributors. Read more of this post

Shit! D.C. Region in Top 20 for High Ozone

Kamran Abdi
The American Lung Association ranks the Baltimore-Washington, D.C., region area among the 20 U.S. cities most polluted by ozone.

The Baltimore-D.C.-Northern Virginia region is No. 16 on the organization’s annual list of metro areas with the worst smog. That’s an improvement on last year’s No. 14 ranking on the American Lung Association’s “State of the Air” report. read more…